Jira Single Sign-on Configuration


Startup one Jira instance

docker run --name jira -d -v jirahome:/var/atlassian/jira -v jiraconfhome:/opt/atlassian/jira -p 8088:8080 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira-software:latest

Configuring Jira with JASIG CAS Client

Jira software version: 7.10 JASIG CAS Client for java version: 3.5.0

1. Modify the web.xml file

edit /opt/atlassian/jira/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/web.xml

Add the CAS Filters before the last filter list:

    <!-- CAS:START - Java Client Filters -->
    <!--- CAS:END -->

Before the login filter-mapping add:

    <!-- CAS:START - Java Client Filter Mappings -->
    <!-- CAS:END -->

Add the Single Sign Out listener to the list of listener list:

    <!-- CAS:START - Java Client Single Sign Out Listener -->
    <!-- CAS:END -->

2. Modify the seraph-config.xml

Comment out the normal login and logout URL and replace it with the CAS login and logout URL: /opt/atlassian/jira/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml

      The login URL to redirect to when the user tries to access a protected resource (rather than clicking on
      an explicit login link). Most of the time, this will be the same value as 'link.login.url'.
    - if the URL is absolute (contains '://'), then redirect that URL (for SSO applications)
    - else the context path will be prepended to this URL

    If '${originalurl}' is present in the URL, it will be replaced with the URL that the user requested.
    This gives SSO login pages the chance to redirect to the original page
      the URL to redirect to when the user explicitly clicks on a login link (rather than being redirected after
      trying to access a protected resource). Most of the time, this will be the same value as 'login.url'.
    - same properties as login.url above
    <!-- URL for logging out.
    - If relative, Seraph just redirects to this URL, which is responsible for calling Authenticator.logout().
    - If absolute (eg. SSO applications), Seraph calls Authenticator.logout() and redirects to the URL

Comment out the DefaultAuthenticator and add JASIG CAS Jira Authenticator as follows

For Jira 4.4 and later:

<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Jira Authenticator -->
<authenticator class="org.jasig.cas.client.integration.atlassian.Jira44CasAuthenticator"/>
<!-- CAS:END -->

For JIRA 4.3 or earlier:

<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Jira Authenticator -->
<authenticator class="org.jasig.cas.client.integration.atlassian.JiraCasAuthenticator"/>
<!-- CAS:END -->

3. Copy CAS Jar libs

Download cas-client-core-3.5.0.jar and cas-client-integration-atlassian-3.5.0.jar,
then copy them to $JIRA_HOME/WEB-INF/lib,
the verison maybe different as your requirement.

For the source code of Jar libs, pls refer to github